Codie McLachlan hits some of our city’s best bashes to snap photos for our weekly Social Seen column. He is an Edmonton photojournalist. Email your event suggestions to or tweet Codie at @fotocodie. Follow Codie on Instagram (@fotocodie) and Facebook (
Festival of Trees Luncheon
Where: Shaw Conference Centre
When: Nov. 25
What: Luncheon and fashion show
Featuring: Champagne, lunch and a fashion show at the annual Festival of Trees
Holly Ball
Where: Art Gallery of Alberta
When: Nov. 27
What: A glamorous gala event featuring previews of 2017 programming
Sandra and Glenn Woolsey at the Holly Ball at the Art Gallery of Alberta.
Brad Rowe, left, and Mahta Rasouli at the Holly Ball.
(From left) Michelle Ponich, Dean Hewman and Sue Hewman at the Holly Ball.
Candace and John Elford at the Holly Ball at the Art Gallery of Alberta.
Judy Neff, left, and Clayton Tiedemann at the Holly Ball.
Terry Craighead, left, and Nancy Jodoin pose at the Holly Ball.
Lindsay Cooper, left, and Jesse Murphy at the 2016 Festival of Trees Luncheon at the Shaw Conference Centre.
Sharman Hnatiuk, left, and Kim Murch Francis at the 2016 Festival of Trees Luncheon.
Karen Cromwell, left, and Heidi Paranych at the 2016 Festival of Trees Luncheon.
(From left) Jacqueline Thoman, Jackie Fetter and Shaun Jones at the 2016 Festival of Trees luncheon.
(From left) Shelby Park, Justine Sykora, Shannon Petruk and Linda Blanchett at the 2016 Festival of Trees luncheon.
Two women (mother and daughter) sharing the same name, Natalia Pociurko, at the 2016 Festival of Trees luncheon.
Christy Holtby, left, and Sharon Brown at the 2016 Festival of Trees luncheon.
Gloria Kushnir, left, and Linda Potolicki at the 2016 Festival of Trees luncheon.